Now accepting Telehealth appointments. Schedule a virtual visit.



Orthopaedic Surgical Associates now offers online bill pay through the AdvancedMD Patient Billing Portal. You may access the portal here. First-time users will need to create an account using their e-mail address, Facebook, or Google accounts.


How to Make a Credit Card Payment

  1. The account holder logs in to the portal and clicks the Pay My Bill or the Bills icon.

  1. The account holder selects a Pay Now option.

  1. The account holder clicks Make Payment. The Make Payment screen displays.

  1. The account holder enters credit card and billing information and clicks Make Payment. If the payment is successfully submitted, the Payment Confirmation screen displays.

A payment confirmation email is emailed to the account holder with the transaction details for the charge.

Account-holders can check past payments from the Payment History tab.


Make a Payment with a Payment Plan

If the account holder has set up a payment plan with our office, they can view the following additional options:

  • Payment Plan Balance – Total balance remaining in their payment plan.
  • Monthly Payment Plan Amount – Amount due monthly.

They can opt to make payments towards their payment plan, or on charges outside of their payment plan.

Patients may opt-out of electronic statements through the 'Messaging Preferences' tab 








Orthopaedic Surgical Associates, LLC
1275 Sadler Way, STE 101A
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Phone: 206-258-7776
Fax: 907-374-7072

Office Hours

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